About Me

About Me

I completed my training at Metanoia Institute, Ealing in 2016. My foundation is as a person-centred therapist but I also draw from my coaching experience and other modalities in my work. I have worked for Metanoia Institute as a Mental Health Assessor as well as volunteered for Ealing Abbey Counselling Services.

I am a Barefoot trained Life and Business Coach and have experience of working with a variety of different clients such as mums, business owners to rising talents and leaders within companies.


  • BA Hons in Person-centred Counselling, Middlesex University
  • Dip in Person-centred Counselling, Metanoia Institute
  • Barefoot Personal and Business Coaching, ACC accreditation from ICF
  • TA101 certificate, Ironmill College

*Member of NCPS (National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society)

ICF (International Coaching Foundation) registered.

Registered member of The International Association of Counselors and Therapists, www.iact.org

I live in Ealing and previously worked creatively in media for many years.